While it's so important to make sure your grades are good and you are involved in campus life, it's also good to remember to volunteer in your community. This week, I'll share some tips I've learned over the years that could help you get involved in your community, either back home or here in Mobile.
One of the best things you can do is participate in all the volunteer experiences that your clubs and organizations offer. Plenty of organizations an campus are always looking for members to volunteer for events and charities in the Mobile community. Doing volunteer work through your campus organizations can help you merge two activities. We all know that we get stretched pretty thin while in college, so merging club participation and volunteering can really help makes things easier for you.
Another good tip is to volunteer at your church (if you attend). If you already attend church every weekend it could be a good idea to find ways to volunteer and help out during the services. Again, this would be a good way to combine activities that you are already doing to take advantage of the time you have.
There are plenty of volunteer opportunities for you to get involved with the community. It's just a matter of searching and making the time to volunteer!